A monthly roundup of Gilded Age and Progressive Era news articles and blog posts from around the web.
The 100th anniversary of the Rosewood Massacre and the razing of Rosewood, a mostly Black Florida town
Mental hygiene guidelines targeted immigrants during the Progressive Era
Imaginings of 2023 from the year 1923
Original phonographic recordings of the Metropolitan Opera
Remembering the Native American boarding school roots of Fort Lewis College
Newly digitized Native American newspapers available through Chronicling America
How Frederick Jackson Turner later reimagined his famed thesis
The 1923 struggle to elect a House speaker
Historical continuity of Congressional chaos
Ken Burns takes readers on a photographic journey through America’s past
The competitive sport of typesetting
Alexander Barnes, one of Florida’s first formally trained Black physicians, wrote a eulogy for his former enslaver
President Johnson’s indecision over charging Confederates with insurrection
Urban historians and the study of industrial Pittsburgh
Black Civil War widows faced discriminatory pension practices and rejection
A history of numbers games and Black communities
Commercial history through trade and business cards
Fictive imaginings led to early underwater exploration
Preserving 35 historic Black churches
James Weldon Johnson, Langston Hughes, and the democratic problem
The Williams brothers and the Central Amusement Park in Pittsburgh’s Hill district
A look back on the life of Wyatt Earp
The debt ceiling has ties to WWI war bonds
New graphic novel illustrates the life of Harlem Renaissance mob boss, Stephanie “Queenie” Saint Clair
Book review of Imagining the Heartland: White Supremacy and the American Midwest
How the United Daughters of the Confederation promoted white supremacist education
Chew Heong v. United States delivered a blow against the Chinese Exclusion Act
Founder of the Women’s Convention of the National Baptist Convention, Nannie Helen Burroughs
After serving in the United States Navy, Kym pursued her education and true passion of history. Kym taught as an adjunct for six years prior to continuing her education. She is currently a History PhD student and Fellow at the University of Montana, focusing on public health in the Progressive Era.